Behind the Scenes: Our Story & Mission

How AestheticsPlaza is redefined the industry

Aestheticsplaza also know as 'AeP' was founded by Isabella Inizi. She understood the need for a middle-ground in luxury aesthetics in a world full of overpriced designer and fast-fashion garbage.

Inspired by big city culture, our fashion feature designs seen across the world from New York to Milan to London.


Isabella was a young woman working in the city commuting on the weekdays and socialising on the weekends.
But she always struggled to find easy picks that would fit either occasion, they were either too expensive or would fall apart after 3 days.
She started to design her own and made a couple prototypes to show her friends. They loved it.
This grew into a small business and eventually AestheticsPlaza.

Thank you for visiting Aestheticsplaza.

We look forward to being your favorite brand for all city chic-related items!

The AestheticsPlaza Team